The spring tri season is officially here-- less than a month until Havasu! Now is the time for race-pace workouts and weekend practices that last well into the afternoon. I love it. Last year around this time, I started to realize how in shape I was and how much the year's training had paid off. It was the first time I felt really ready to take on an Olympic race, and I was pushing myself harder than I could've imagined at the beginning of the year. The spring days started to get warmer, and all I wanted to do was ride bikes and run in the beautiful weather. After those exhausting workouts, we would lie around in the grass at the Boulder High track for awhile, wander over to the creek and try to soak our legs in the freezing water for as long as possible, and then go home to eat our body weights in food and take much-needed naps. I bonded with the team more than ever, and the excitement of Regionals and Nationals slowly started to grow. This week, I've started to feel that anticipation again. With weekend track workouts starting next Sunday, I know the most rewarding part of the season is just around the corner.
After our second full time trial last weekend, coach Mike told us training was about to get intense-- and he wasn't lying. On Thursday, he had us run 2x5k at 10k race pace. We were all dreading it. It was definitely tough, but it felt amazing at the same time. On the first one, I ran a personal best 5k time, which only showed how much my run has improved since high school. It was one of those days I felt "good pain." I was giving it all I had, but I was feeling strong instead of like I wanted to die. It was "fun" in the way that only triathletes and other like-minded people can understand.
This weekend's bike ride was definitely more fun in the conventional sense. About ten of us met up an hour before regular practice and did St. Vrain loop at a pretty easy pace. It was a gorgeous morning, and we were all happy to be awake. We rode together, no one getting dropped or feeling like they were being held back. We sang Journey, took pictures, and talked about how excited we are for Havasu. I was reminded once again how worth it it is to wake up early on a weekend and get outside, especially with teammates by your side. :)
The other thing I love about training in the spring is that it keeps me sane. Second semester is always stressful, and this year is no exception. My weekdays tend to be nonstop, morning 'till night. Whether I'm going to class, studying, writing articles, helping at the Family Learning Center, filling out scholarship applications, or going to practice, I never seem to have a spare moment. I know I have the option to miss practice and catch up on homework or sleep, but the truth is, I always feel less stressed after a workout. Even if I have to sprint to the Rec to spin for 45 minutes, shower, and barely make it to my next class, it's better than nothing. If I didn't have tri team in the spring, I would lose my mind.
And so begins the countdown: 28 days until Spring Break and Havasu Regionals. Time to bust my butt at practice, keep my Nats team goals in mind, and enjoy the combo of endorphins and fabulous teammates that I can rely on every day. Love you, CU Tri Team!
Give and take.